Borrowed Armor
Photo by Bethany Gambino
The story is infamous — David and Goliath. David stepped up to fight Goliath. The army and even the king were expecting a brave warrior clad in armor. That's just how things were done. The problem was... David didn’t own armor. So King Saul gave David his armor, but it was foreign and uncomfortable to the shepherd boy. It didn't mean he wasn't a warrior. It just meant he was trained with a different skill set. He was gifted with agility. Something not suitable for armor.
The next part of the story was the real game changer. I believe this is where the line was drawn between victory and defeat. Before he went out to face the giant David recognized the very thing meant to protect him (armor) was the very thing hindering him and weighing him down. So he took off the ill-fitting suit and went to the battlefield simply looking like himself. The rest is history.
Much like David, I find myself regularly faced with moments of expectation. And much like David, I don’t feel comfortable wearing the expectations of others.
Why do we put on armor that was made for someone else? God has given you your own set of skills. Don't let the world tell you how to approach life... even in a crisis. God has UNIQUELY equipped you for the battle. Recognize who you are and how your life experiences have prepared you for this moment. Don't discount what God is cultivating in you now. He knows your future needs and He is so faithful to groom you for greatness in what you’re doing today! I bet David never thought, "My skills as a shepherd will one day make me into a great warrior on the battlefield".
So what are your strengths? Do you submit to a generic standard or do you approach situations with your unique skill set? Don't let fear weigh you down. Don't let expectations stifle you. Don’t try to look like everyone else. Remember the things God brought you through and how He strengthened you in those moments. Use those experiences to push against the enemy because those things have caused you to be stronger than you realize.