It Gets Better
photo by Michelle Raye Photography
I started Starling Stories as a way to bring hope and healing to people who are hurting. Specifically, people who are hurting through the pain of divorce. I was married for 15 years and never imagined divorce would be a part of my story. Yet, there I was. That was 6.5 years ago. Life has taken lots of twists and turns since then. But whatever trauma you’ve been through—or ARE going through—I want you to know: life can be beautiful again. When people encourage you with, “It gets better.” I know the skepticism you must feel. I felt it, too. It’s an undeliverable promise, isn’t it? Because we aren’t promised a charmed life. “It” might not get better. But you? You can get better. You can heal. You can become stronger and more resilient. You can be more confident in God. You can walk in peace. You can walk without a limp from the hurt which previously crippled you. “It” might not get better, but YOU can get better. And I truly believe the path to your healing is found in Christ.